تاریخ انتشارشنبه ۱۰ مهر ۱۳۸۹ ساعت ۱۶:۱۰
کد مطلب : ۴۲۶
A Brief Glimpse on Imam Mahdi’s Life
Imam Mahdi, the last Imam of Shiites and the twelfth successor to the holy prophet Mohammad, was born at the dawn of Sha’aban fifteenth 868 A.D. in Samerra (a city in Iraq). His honorable father was Imam Hassan Askari (p.b.u.h), the eleventh Imam of Shiites, and his respected mother was Narjes. There are many different narrations about her origin and nationality, one more authentic says she is the daughter of “Yashou”, the son of Roman Emperor and her mother was an offspring of “Simon”, one of the Apostles of Jesus Christ (p.b.u.h). According to this narration, Narjes converted to Islam after an amazing dream and with the assistance of Imam Hassan Askari, without revealing her identity joined the Roman army for a war and then became a prisoner of war. Imam Hadi (p.b.u.h), the tenth Imam of Shiites, send someone to buy her and take her to Samerra. Some other narrations are also available, but the important point is that Narjes stayed with Hakimeh Khatoon, a sister of Imam Hadi (p.b.u.h), for some time and was well trained and greatly respected by her.
Many years ago the holy prophet of Islam (p.b.u.h) , Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) , and Imam Sadeq (p.b.u.h) , had praised a forthcoming lady who is “the best of handmaidens” and she is Narjes for sure.
Narjes also had some other names as “Soosan”, “Reyhaneh”, “Malikeh” and “Seyghal” (or Saghil).

His Name, Sobriquet and Titles:
Imam Mahdi’s name and sobriquet is the same as the holy prophet (p.b.u.h) but in some Hadith it is prohibited to name him so during the time of his Occultation.
Some of his well known titles are: Mahdi, Qaem, Montazar, Baqiyat Allah, Hojjat, Khalaf – e – saleh, Mansoor, Saheb Al Amr, Saheb Al Zaman and Valiie - Asr.

Every one of these titles carries a special meaning about him. He is named Mahdi, meaning “the Guided one”, because he is guided and invites people to the Right path and Qaem, “the one who stands up [= Upholder]”, because he will rise up for the Truth. He is Montazar, “the awaited one”, because all the people are waiting for his reappearance and he is called Baqiyat Allah, meaning “the successor of Allah”, because he is the last sign and successor of Allah. Hojjat means “God’s proof for men” and Khalaf – e – saleh means “the deserving successor of God”. He is Mansoor, “the victorious one whom God helps” and Saheb Al Amr, “the one who is in charge of fulfillment of Devine Providence, Saheb Al Zaman and Valiie – Asr mean “the only ruler of the time”.

His Birth:
It is foretold in some Hadith by the holy prophet that a man of his offspring, named Mahdi will rise up and defeat the cruel rulers of the world. Being aware of such Hadith, Abbasids tried to kill him at his birth time. Therefore, they restricted Imams after Imam Javad (p.b.u.h) and their situation became more difficult at the time of Imam Hassan Askari (p.b.u.h). The situation was so dangerous that all coming and going to his house was controlled. Hence, Imam Mahdi should have been born secretly and without any kind of notice. Even close relatives of Imam Hassan Askari (p.b.u.h) were not aware of the matter and until the last hours, no sign of pregnancy was seen in Narjes. Hakimeh, Imam Javad’s daughter narrates the story as this:
Imam Hassan Askari (p.b.u.h) sent someone and asked me to come, saying: “My aunt! Come to our house tonight and stay for dinner; for tonight is the fifteenth of Sha’aban and Allah is going to reveal His last proof on the earth.” “Who is his mother?” I asked. ”Narjes” He answered. “But there is no sign of pregnancy in Narjes, my lord!!” I said surprisingly. “That is what I say!!” He said. Then I went to see Narjes. She stood up and came to take off my shoes, saying: “How are you today my lady?” “Truly, you are my lady and the lady of my whole family!” But she refused to accept it and said: “What are you talking about, my dear aunt?” “Dear, tonight Allah gives you a son who is the lord of Heaven and earth.” I continued. So she blushed and kept silent.
I had my Iftar after prayer and went to bed. I slept until midnight and then got up to pray. Narjes was sleeping peacefully and nothing had happened. After my prayer I went to sleep again. In a short time I woke up worriedly but found her asleep. Then she got up, prayed and went to sleep again.
So I came out and looked up at the sky, searching for the light of dawn. It was dawn and a short time before the prayer but Narjes was still asleep. I thought to myself and doubted about Imam Askari (p.b.u.h)’s foretell. But surprisingly he called out of his room: “Do not hurry my dear aunt! It is close!” I began to cite suras “Sajdeh” and “Yasin” from Koran. Suddenly, she sat up anxiously. I hurried to her and said: “God’s name on you, my dear! Do you feel anything?” “Yes, my dear aunt.” She responded. “Control yourself and trust in Allah. This is what I told you.” I continued. Then we felt a little weak. Then he was born and when I took the cloth off and uncovered him, I noticed that he was prostrating himself. I picked him up and he was completely pure and clean!
At that time Imam Hassan Askari (p.b.u.h) called out: “Take my son to me, my aunt.” He hugged the baby and said: “Speak up my son!” So he said: “I affirm Allah is my Lord, God the One, whom has no one alike and Mohammad is His prophet” He then continued saluting Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) and other Imams up to his own father, so he stopped. Then Imam Hassan Askari (p.b.u.h) said to me: “Take him to his mother to salute her …”.
I went to see Imam Hassan Askari (p.b.u.h) the next day and draw back the curtain to see my lord, Imam Mahdi, but he was not there! “Oh my God, What happened to my lord?” I asked surprisingly. “I gave him to the One to whom Moses’ (p.b.u.h) mother gave him, my dear aunt .”
On the seventh day I went there again. “Go and take my son to me” Imam Hassan Askari (p.b.u.h) said… . [Then he continued] “Speak up my son!” He repeated his first sentences and added these verses of Koran: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the merciful # And we intended to be Gracious to the folk, oppressed and weakened in the land, and make them leaders of the faith, and give them honors to be the Heirs # And grant them power in the land and let Pharaoh and Haamaan and their great host be witnesses of what they dreaded most to suffer at their hand. ”

His Appearance and characteristics:
He is described in Hadiths of the holy prophet and Imams as a young brunet with a wide, shiny forehead and arched eyebrows. His eyes are big and dark, his nose is straight and beautiful and his teeth are even and pearl – white. Here is a Hadith about his appearance and characteristics:
“He is a pious man who keeps a vigil and prays all night. His life is simple and he is patient and forbearing and always just and benefactor. His knowledge is more than all the people and he is the root of goodness and purity. He will stand up and fight for Allah; he is the leader of the whole world, the great revolutionary, the last savior and the one who is the final reformer of the mankind. He is of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h) and Zahra (p.b.u.h)’s offspring, the ninth Imam of Imam Hussein (p.b.u.h)’s generation. On his reappears, he stands by Ka’aba and carries the holy prophets’ sign. God’s religion will be renewed by his rise and he will confirm God’s rules in the entire world. He is the one who fills the world with justice, when it is full of cruelty and injustice.”
Imam Mahdi’s life can be considered including three major eras:
1. The time of hiding:
That is the time before martyrdom of his father when he was not seen by many people.
2. The Occultation:
That is the time after Imam Hassan Askari (p.b.u.h)’s martyrdom when he became hidden and will end just when Allah wishes to end it.

3. The time of his Reappearance:
After the time of his Occultation and according to God’s will, he will reappear and fill the entire world with goodness and purity. No one knows the exact time of his reappearance and as it is narrated, he has said those who set an exact time for it are all liars.
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