تاریخ انتشارشنبه ۱۰ مهر ۱۳۸۹ ساعت ۱۶:۱۶
کد مطلب : ۴۳۲
The Benefits of the Hidden Imam
For more than a thousand year the world has suffered from the occultation of its heavenly leader. What is really the benefit of the occultation and how does the hidden lift of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h) affect our lives? What would happen if he was born near the time of his reappearance and would not make us suffer from his being hidden for such a long time?
These questions all arise from lack of knowledge about the important role of Imam in the society. So what is actual position of Imam in the universe? Can we claim his being appear is more beneficial? Is he just to lead people or he also affects the whole universe?

Imam; the central axis of universe:
According to Shiite belief Imam is the one who connects the whole universe to God’s Blessing and Grace.
In the universe, he is the central axis without who all creatures, humans and animals, jinn and things, shall be gone. Some asked Imam Sadeq (p.b.u.h) “shall the earth exist without Imam?” “Never,” He answered,” without Imam the whole earth shall be destroyed without Imam.”
It is obvious that he delivers God’s messages to people and guides them to perfection and any kind of Grace from God, is delivered to all humans through him; for God has guided humans through the history by sending prophets and then their successors. But from various Hadiths we can find out the important role of Imams as the definite connection to deliver any kind of Grace from God to all creatures in the universe. In other words all creatures not only receive God’s gifts and Grace through the presence of Imam, but also their existence is due to Imams. We see these sentences in “Jamee kabire”.
“God has created [the universe] just because of you [=Imam] and shall finish it for you. He sends the rains because of you and keeps the heavens on earth because of you, unless he wishes to let it fall.”
Therefore we can conclude that the effects which Imams have on universe are not only during their presence and being obvious, but when they are hidden. In fact it is God’s will that Imam, as a more perfect person His gifts to other Creatures and there is no difference in his being appear or hidden. When he is hidden, all creatures can benefit from his existence the same as his being appear. Once they asked Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) about his occultation. He answered:
“When I am hidden, you can benefit from me like the earth benefiting from a sun hidden under clouds.”
To compare Imam’s occultation to the sun being hidden behind the clouds reminds us of some fine points.
As we know the sun is in the center of solar system and all other planets go around it. The same is Imam as the center of the universe.
“The earth survives just because of him [=Imam] and all the creatures get their sustenance and livelihood, just because of him. The earth and heavens are stable just because of him.”
Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h) is like the sun; its light never stops but everybody benefits from that according to the distance and relation it keeps with the sun. We can gain the graces which God sends to us through Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h) just according to our relation with him.
If the sun stays behind the clouds, we can still live on the earth. But if there was no sun, the earth was so cold and dark that noon could live on it. And the same is Imam; if there was no Imam, hidden or seen, we could not live in such a difficult and disastrous situation.
Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h) in a letter to sheikh Mofid wrote:
“We never forget you and never leave you alone, and if we had not paid attention to you, the foes and disasters would have kill you all and destroy your lives.”
Therefore we can see that Imam is like the sun for all the universe and creatures, but since the Shiites firmly believe in him, they use more of him. Here are some benefits for the Shiites.

1. Hope:
Hope is the key to life. It leads to livelihood and happiness. In fact it is the factor with which life goes on. With Imam we hope to reach to a peaceful time and a bright future. When we look back upon the Shiite history, we see many difficulties but they never surrendered; for they hoped for a future and stood firmly in difficult events. This future is close, and it is not a legend. The one who shall rise up for the revolution is dive and ready to lead us; and now it is our duty to pave his way.

2. stability:
Every society needs a knowledgeable leader to sustain its foundations and show the way to the destination. A leader supports people and organizes them to keep previous achievements and get ready for future plans. Such an active and alive leader never abandons his people, and at the time of absence gives some clues and hints to guide them to the right path and warns about dangers and wrong paths.
Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) is the strong point of Shiism who keeps it firm and stable. He guides the jurists and shows them how to confront the enemies; for he is fully aware of their conspiracies and exactly knows what to do to foil. The enemies’ intrigues, when they are trying to strike the religion and fundamental beliefs. Here let us bring a good example which Majlesi narrates:
“Long time ago a governor ruled over Bahrain who was well known for being enemy of Shiites and his minister was worse than him. One day he went to the governor, showing him a pomegranate with some sentences naturally carved on its skin. They were: “there is no God except Allah; Mohammad is His prophet; Abu- Bakr, Omar, Othman and Ali are the prophet’s caliphs.” It made the governor surprised and the minister immediately said: “This is a vivid and unquestionable proof on in validity of Shiism.” “Now what do you suggest?” the governor asked thoughtfully.” We should show them this pomegranate and ask them to explain it. If they couldn’t and did not convert from Shiism, we should kill them and capture their woman and children and seize their properties, or force them to give tribute.”
The governor accepted and invited the Shiite scholar and showed them the pomegranate. He asked them to give a clear reason for that or give tribute or they should be killed and their woman and children should be taken captive. They asked for three days to explain that. Then they discussed and chose ten pious men and then from those chose three and then asked one of them to go to the desert and ask Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h) for help about this problem, for he is our Imam and leader.
He went to the desert but could not visit Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.). The other night, the next one went to the desert but returned to the city without any response. The last night, they sent the last one, named Mohammad Ibn Isa. He went to the desert and cried and called Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) for help. At midnight, he heard someone calling his name, saying: “Mohammad Ibn Isa! Why are you crying miserably? And why have you come to the desert?” He asked the man to leave him alone, but he continued: “I am Imam Mahdi! Tell me what you want!” He said if he is truly Imam Mahdi, so he should be fully aware of their problem. Imam (p.b.u.h.) said that he was aware of their problem and knew what had happened to them. Then Mohammad Ibn Isa said: “Now, you know our problem, and you are our Imam.” After that Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) explained everything:
“There is a pomegranate tree in the Minister’s house. He made a clay mould like a pomegranate and cut those sentences inside the mould. And put it around a young pomegranate. When it grew up the sentences naturally imprinted on the pomegranate. Now, you know the story go to the governor and ask him to come with you to the Minister’s house to get his answer. When you reached his house, go into the room and find a white parcel in which there is the mould. Show it to the governor and to confirm it, give him another proof; tell him if they cut the pomegranate there is nothing but ash and smoke inside.”
Mohammad Ibn Isa became very pleased and came back to the city. The next day they went to the governor and whatever Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) had told them, came true. After this miracle the governor converted to Shiism and ordered to kill his minister.”

3. An Observer
In Quran we see:
“Tell them: “Do as you will, for Cod beholds your doing, and so will He’s Messenger and the believers…”
And there are some Hadiths indicating that “believers” are Imams. Therefore, we can conclude that Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) observes our deeds, although he is hidden. This fact can affect us, as Shiites to care more about our doings and not to sin; for our Imam observes us. Hence, the more we care about our Imam observing us, the more we try to purify our souls and show that through our deeds and words.

4. A helping hand.
Our Imams are the real teachers for the society and people have always used this opportunity to improve their morality. Although during occultation people cannot reach to Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) directly and use his divine source of knowledge completely, he still helps them in different ways. During the short Occultation he answered people and scholar’s questions through his letters which are known as “Toghiat”.
Isaac Ibn Jacob had asked some questions which were answered by Imam Mahdi in a letter as comes bellow:
“God guides you and helps you to be steadfast. Now, you have asked about our cousins and relatives who deny us. Be sure that there is no kinship between God and any of people and know that whoever denies us has no kinship with me and shall finally die like Noah’s son… and about your money that send for me, I do not accept it until purify that, and I shall accept just that pure part of your money…
Those who dare to take our money, are like ones who eat fire … and you benefit from me like the earth being lighted by the sun behind the clouds. I am the reason for which people on earth live safely, like stars which keep the heavens safe. Do not ask unanswerable questions, for they are useless and do not bother yourselves to learn what you do not have to learn. Pray for my reappearance and for its being soon, because that is your way to become free. I greet you Isaac Ibn Jacob and all who follow the right path.”
During the Long Occultation, Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) has answered some of the jurists’ and scholars’ questions and solved their problems.
“Mir Allam” was a student of “Moqadas Ardebili”. He narrates this story:
“Once around midnight in Najaf, I was outside the holy shrine of Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) and suddenly I saw someone going into the shrine. When he got closer I recognized him; he was my teacher Molla Ahmad Moqadas Ardebili. I hid so that he did not see me.
He went to the shrine, and it was closed. But to my surprise the door opened and he got in. After a short time he came out and went to Kufa.
I followed him secretly and quietly. He went into Kufa Mosque and stood in the altar, in which Ibn Moljam hit Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) with his sword, for a while. Then he left the Mosque, going tack to Najaf. I followed him, but when we got near Hananah Mosque I coughed and he turned over and recognized me. “Is that you Mir Allam?” he asked. “Yes” I answered. “What are you doing here?” he continued. “I followed you from Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) holy shrine in Najaf and I beg you to tell me the secret of what I have seen tonight. Swear to cod to tell me, please?” I said enthusiastically.” I tell you if you swear not to tell anyone about it while I am alive “He said. When I assured him, he explained that event.” Sometimes I face some problems for which I cannot find any solution. So in these cases I ask Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) for help. Tonight I had a difficult problem about which I thought a lot without finding any answer. Suddenly I thought to ask Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) about it. When I reached the holy shrine, as you saw, the closed door opened and I entered. Inside, I cried and prayed to God and waited for the answer from Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.). Then, I heard a voice from his tomb saying: “Go to Kufa Mosque and ask Upholder (p.b.u.h.) for he is your Imam now.”
So I went to the altar (in Kufa Mosque) and asked Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.). He answered and now I am going back home.”

5. Guiding and spiritual impression
The responsibility to be carried by Imam is to guide and lead people, especially those who are ready to be guided and pure. He fulfills his divine duty through various ways. Once he talks to people directly and clearly and the other time with his spiritual power and divine gift impresses people and shows them how to be better and paves their way to prosperity.
In both ways he shows them the path of truth. In the second way he does not need direct relation, he influences them telepathically and through divine power. As Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) says:
“Oh lord! Undoubtedly there should be a proof of you on earth to lead people to your way… and even though he is hidden, his teachings are certainly in the hearths of the faithfuls and they follow his way.”
He trains his troops in the same way and prepares the capable ones for the final revolution. They shall be trained due to special teachings of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) and wait for the promised day to fight for the Right.

6. Protection against disasters:
Security is for sure an important factor in the life. Now, many catastrophes threatening our lives and other creatures, metaphysical and spiritual elements are of high influence on them, even though human control is outstanding. In many Hadiths, Imam and proof of God is referred to as the protection for earth and all living creatures against disasters and destruction.
Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) said:
“I am the protection and security guarantee for people on earth.”
The punishment for many sins which people commit shall end their lives in divine retribution, but existence of Imam on earth prevents this and restrains destruction of earth.
We see in Quran:
“But Allah was not to chastise them, whilst you [the holy prophet] had been living in their midst…”
Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) is the symbol of God’s mercy and many disasters disappear just because of his presence. Even at the time of negligence, when Shiites forger his presence and his helping hand, he never forgers them and keeps them safe and sound.
He introduces himself as this:
“I am the last successor of the holy prophet, and All Mighty God saves my relatives and Shiites from disasters.”
During 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran and difficult years of imposed war (1981- 1989), Iranians felt his support in many cases, as lifting the martial law in February 11th, 1979 by the order of Imam Khomeini, the crash of American air crafts and helicopters in Tabas desert, in April 25th, 1980 and the failed coup d’etat of Nojah in July 12th, 1982. All these examples indicate he cares about his Shiites and guides them through difficult times.

7. God’s grace:
The great promised savior of the entire world is the cornerstone of Shiite community and like the sun in a cloudy sky, never ceases to give light to others lives. He welcomes all zealous followers. Whoever asks for his helping hand, will find him a real helper. Once he visits patients and heals them with his divine power, and the other time shows the way to the passengers lost in deserts; those who felt so lonely and desperate, in the hopeful. He is God’s grace and like rain, refreshes everything and flowers of hope and faith grows in the hearts of the faithfuls when he looks upon them. He prays for us as this:
“[Oh lord], oh light of all lights, oh the prudent one, oh the one who resurrects all the dead people, may your mercy and praise be upon Mohammad and his Ahl – al – Bayt. [Oh Lord! Relieve me and my Shiites when we are surrounded with difficulties, and show us a way out of desperation and sorrow and expand the way [of guidance] to us and show us the way through which we gain our relief and freedom and behave us due to your greatness.”
All these show us is presence and effects he has on our lives and surely those who are decent and worthy have opportunity to visit him.
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