تاریخ انتشارشنبه ۱۰ مهر ۱۳۸۹ ساعت ۱۶:۲۰
کد مطلب : ۴۳۷
Background and signs of his Reappearance
There are some factors which prepare the basis of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.)’s reappearance. Moreover, his reappearance will be preceded by some signs. Surely the factors for preparation and signs of reappearance are completely different.
Those factors – which will be discussed below – affect the happening of his reappearance and if they are not prepared, Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) will not come back. But signs are some clues which help us guess how close we are to the time of his reappearance.
Therefore, the factors are more important than the signs. It is our duty to prepare the situation not to look for the signs, because if we prepare the world for his reappearance, the signs will appear.

1. Backgrounds to his Reappearance.
Any event needs a background to happen. You cannot cultivate a field without preparing it. You should consider the climate and the seed you are going to sow. When you prepare everything before sowing, you can expect an excellent crop.
The same is for any revolution. Like Islamic Revolution of 1979 in Iran, which succeeded after its backgrounds being prepared, the universal revolution of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) will take place when we prepare its backgrounds. All these mean that his revolution is not like a miracle which people do not have any role in its occurrence. That movement is not an exception in universe and will emerge out of the circumstances and will be carried out through normal and natural ways. According to Koran and Hadith, God’s tradition is to fulfill the events in universe through normal methods and natural ways.
Imam Sadeq (p.b.u.h.) says:
“God refuses to prepare unnatural ways for things to happen.”
Someone asked Imam Baqer (p.b.u.h.):
“They say when Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) rises all situations are according to his wish.” Imam answered:
“No! Never! I swear to God if it was so that all situations got prepared spontaneously, the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) deserved more to enjoy such a situation.”
However, it does not mean that in his great revolution no miracle happens, but natural backgrounds should be prepared and then some miracles occur. Therefore, we should know the factors which help hastening his reappearance and then try to accomplish them.
The main factors in his universal revolution are these:

a. The plan
Every revolution or reformative movement need two programs:
1. complete plan to remove abnormalities through reorganizing the facilities and manpower.
2. an appropriate law based on necessities of the society which protects all individual and social rights of people and helps them move forward to an ideal, just society.
The truth of Islam, i.e. Koran and Hadith, is what Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) is going to take into account as his law and plan. He fulfills his duty based on Koran as Imam Baqer said: “He will fulfill his duty based on Koran and whenever he sees an evil, he rejects it”
Therefore, his revolution is theoretically supported by unique law of Koran which is directly enacted by God, who is aware of all aspects of our material and spiritual needs. Such a revolution cannot found in any other time whatsoever.
Alvin Toffler, American politician and advisor, who suggested “Third wave” theory, confesses as this:
“The list of difficulties which have met our societies is inexhaustible. Foundations of many industrial civilizations are demolished and their corruption have drowned everything.
Therefore, a strong pressure for changes have filled the atmosphere. There are thousands of plans to react to these pressures which all claim to be basic, fundamental and even revolutionary. But more and more rules and regulations, which were supposed to solve our problems, have made the situation worse. This has seriously aggravated the situation and now we feel more disappointed and desperate, but have no way out of this maze. This feeling is dangerous to any democratic system and makes us think again about a prince on a white horse who comes and changes the world.”

b. Leadership.
All revolutions need a leader and the more extensive the revolution is, the more competent the leader should be. When we think of a universal revolution, there should be a knowledgeable, capable and decisive leader who can fight with cruelty and establish the rule of justice and equality. Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) is the successor of all prophets and Imams (p.b.u.h.) and he is directly connected to the divine source of knowledge. Therefore, he is the most knowledgeable person of his time.
The holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) says:
“Be aware that Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) inherits all knowledge of the world and he is proficient at all sciences.”
He is the only leader who is completely free and the only thing he thinks of is God’s contentment.

C. Followers:
Another factor which is important in his revolution is the characteristics of his followers. A universal revolution with a holy leader should have suitable revolutionaries.
We cannot count every one who claims to be a true follower of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) as one of them. See this Hadith:
“one of Imam Sadeq (p.b.u.h.)’s Shiites, sahl Ibn Hassan Khorasani, asked him: “why you do not rise up and retrieve your absolute right [= the reign], while you have a hundred thousand Shiites who are ready to fight for you?” Imam ordered to set a fire in a tan door [= a kind of oven] and when the flames got higher, he said: “now, go and sit in the tandoor!” Sahl thought that he may have done something wrong and Imam got angry. So he apologized and said: “Oh my lord! Excuse me and do not torture me with fire.” Imam said: “All right! I forgive you.” Then Aaron Maccy, one of true Shiites of Imam Sadeq came in and saluted him.
Imam abruptly said to him: “Aaron! Sit in the tandoor!” he quickly went to the tandoor and sat in the fire. Imam went on with conversation with sahl and informed him of some happenings as if he had seen those events. After a while, he said to sahl: “Now go and look in to the tandoor.” He went and saw Aaron sitting cross – legged in the fire.” Then Imam said to him: “How many people like Aaron do you know in khorasan?” he responded: “I swear there is not even one person like him!” Imam continued: “Be aware! Until we cannot find five followers like him, we will never rise up, and we know better when the best time is for revolution.”
Here let us review some major characteristics his followers should have:
1. knowing Imam and obeying him.
Followers of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) should deeply know him and really believe in God. They go to battle while they are fully aware of what they do. Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) describes them as:
“[They are] men who know God as they should know him.”
Their belief in Imam is firm and their knowledge about him is beyond some simple information. They know his high position in the universe and for this reason obey him unquestioningly and love him deeply. They know obeying Imam is obeying God, and his word is God’s word.
The holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) describes them as:
“They do their best in obeying their Imam.”

2. strength and worship.
They worship God, like their Imam and pray to God days and night. Imam Sadeq (p.b.u.h.) says about them:
“They pass nights praying and days fasting”
And he said:
“They praise to God even on back of their horses.”
Since they are always repeating God’s name, they have strong faith and brave hearts. Imam Sadeq (p.b.u.h.) says describes them like this:
“They are men with brave hearts and as strong as iron.”

3. Devotedness and seeking martyrdom.
They are loyal to their Imam and have devoted their lives to him. So in the battlefields they stand firmly and defend him, even with their lives. Imam Sadeq (p.b.u.h.) says:
“They move around him in the battlefield and defend him with their lives.”
And he also says:
“They wish to be martyrs in the battle for God.”

4. Courage and bravery.
They are the most courageous and the bravest men like their Imam and Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) says about them:
“They are all like lions out of their dens and woods and they can remove mountains if they wish.”

5. Patience and Tolerance.
The fight with cruelty all around the world and establishing the rule of justice is surely accompanied by difficulties and suffering. They welcome all sufferings to accomplish the goals of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) but still humbly do not mention it. Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) says:
“They are men who never make God beholden for their patience and tolerance and never tend to exaggerate the importance of their devotedness or getting killed for God’s sake.”

6. Unity and Intimacy
Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) says:
“They are united and intimate.”
They have no pride or selfishness and rise up with their hearts united. That is one important factor which makes us conquer all armies of evil.

7. Piety and Righteousness.
Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) says:
“Imam Mahdi asks them to swear and promises not to save any gold, silver, wheat or barley.”
They rise up for a heavenly purpose and material world should not stop them form that. Those who easily forget their goal and seek materials are not among his followers.
These were some of his follower’s characteristics. They are referred to in Hadith as great and honorable men for these features. All Imams have praised them and the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) says:
“They are the best of my people.”
And Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) says:
“May God bless those few people who are unknown in the world?”
According to Hadiths his followers are three hundred and thirteen. Every one of them takes a responsibility and they have an army of ten thousand warriors. Besides, a large number of faithful support them. May God let us be one of his followers! Amen!

d. Public Preparedness
During history we have seen lots of times when people were not grateful to their Imams and forgot them. God has disappeared his last proof and will let him come back to us when there is a public preparedness. One of the most important factors for his revolution is all the people being prepared. Like the time when the children of Israel asked their prophet to choose a commander for them to fight in Allah’s cause and conquer Goliath’s army, if people are not ready to fight, his universal revolution will fail. Here is the story of Goliath in Koran.
“Have you not ever heard of what the leaders of the children of Israel, demanded of one of their prophets [= Samuel] after Moses?” Appoint a king for us”, they reprimanded, “and we shall fight in Allah’s cause!” he said: “Is this to mean that you’re intended not to fight, if the fighting is ordained on you?” “But why should we refuse”, they said, “to fight in Allah’s cause, when we and all our children were evicted from our own homes?!” Despite this, when they were commanded to fight, they all, except a few, declined, God knows the people with a wicked mind.”
According to this verse, they refused to obey God, despite their will to fight in God’s cause and at the end just a few number of them stayed to fight.
However, Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) comes when all the people deeply seek a secure and just society and really want morality and spirituality rule over their lives. When people get exhausted of injustice and discrimination, they really expect a savior.
At his time of reappearance the powerful violate the rights of the weak, a few of people hold most of facilities and at the same time a lot of people starve to death. A lot of money will be spent on luxuries while most of people live under the level of poverty. Then the need for justice increases.
At that time immorality is widespread and no one is ashamed of participating in immoral deeds, but all are proud of taking part in such things. People and governments will reach a level which is far away from divine rules and they legalize most of immoralities. The foundations of families will be tore up and many illegitimate children will be born. So the world waits for someone who saves the morality, families and humanity. At that time men would taste all the sweetness of material world, but still not satisfied with their lives and expect morality and spirituality in their world. The eagerness to wait for someone who can finally save the world, when many other regimes have been experienced, increases because they finally find out that the only savior is our divine leader, Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.). He brings God’s rule and saves humanity from all its sins. So if we recognize importance of his reappearance, we shall prepare everything for his return. Then he relieves us all. The holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) describes the end of days like this:
“[A time shall come when] the faithful find no protection against the evil, and at that time God sends a man [to save them] who is of my offspring.”

Signs of his Reappearance:
There are some signs preceding his universal revolution. Knowing these are crucial; because each one of these promising signs in form us of his reappearance. When on of them comes, we can be sure that we get one step closer to his reappearance, and that will be a warning to those who support the evil. We can prepare our elves for his deliverance more and the foes have time to stop their bad deeds and join the followers of Truth. They are good criteria to recognize those who claim to be Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) and when we know them beforehand, we can prepare ourselves to face them. If someone claims to be the promised Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) but his claim was not preceded by these signs, we can be sure that he is a liar.
There are many signs which are mentioned in Hadiths for Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.)’s deliverance, among which we see some natural events and some miraculous phenomenon. Now let us mention some major ones at the end bring some others. Imam Sadeq (p.b.u.h.) says:
“Our Upholder [‘s revolution] has five signs: Sofyani, Yemeni, heavenly cry, murdering the pure soul, and disappearing Bayda.”
But what are these signs?

1. Sofyani
He is a man of Abu Sofyan offspring who rises and destroys everything. He is so cruel that thinks of nothing but slaughtering and committing all kinds of crimes. He fights with his enemies and kills them severely. Imam Sadeq (p.b.u.h.) says: “If you see Sofyani, indeed you meet the wicked man.”
He begins his rebel in Rajab from Syria and when he occupies Syria and its neighbors, he goes to Iraq and kills a huge number of people. According to some Hadiths, it takes 15 months from the beginning of his rebel until his death.

2. Disappearing Bayda
Bayda is an area between Mecca and Medina.
According to Hadiths Sofyani will be informed that Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) goes to Mecca. He sends his troops to Mecca to fight with him. When they reach to Bayda, miraculously the earth takes them all in and kills all of them.
Imam Baqer (p.b.u.h.) says:
“They tell the commander of Sofyni’s army that Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) has gone to Mecca. Therefore, he sends an army after him but they cannot find him…
when they reach to Bayda, they hear a heavenly voice saying: “Oh the land of Bayda! Destroy them all!” so the earth takes them all and destroys the army.

3. Yemeni
Yemeni is a pious and virtuous man from Yemen who rises up against the corruptions and fights with the army of evil. Imam Baqer (p.b.u.h.) says:
“Among the flags of armies who rise before Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) no one is like Yemeni’s flag. That is the flag which guides you to your lord [Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.)]

4. Heavenly cry
That is another sign of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.)’s revolution. Since he is going to save the entire world, all the people around the world should hear this. In Ramadan of that year, all the people of the world, who wait for their savior, hear this heavenly cry. According to some Hadiths, that is the voice of Gabriel. Imam Sadeq (p.b.u.h.) says:
“Some one calls from the heaven in Imam Mahdi and his Hadith’s name.”
This cry is good news for the faithful and a warning for their enemies; Maybe they regret and join Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) and Support him. Imam Baqer (p.b.u.h.) says:
“Our Upholder will rise up when someone calls from heaven and all people can hear him in the east and west.”

5. Murdering the pure soul
Pure soul refers to someone who is pure, innocent and virtuous. This sign means that just before Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.)’s revolution, a pure person will be killed by Imam’s enemies. According to some Hadiths This is 15 days before his revolution, as Imam Sadeq (p.b.u.h.) says:
“The pure soul will be murdered 15 days before Mahdi (p.b.u.h.)’s revolution.”
There will be many other signs which are mentioned in Hadiths. A creature – or person – appears; named Dajal [= anti Christ] who misguides many people. There will be lunar and solar eclipses in Ramadan of that year and many rebels and revolutions occur, and a man from Khorasan [= a province in Iran] will rise up. More explanation about these signs are suggested in other books.
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